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NARA 0976

(FORM 24.)

Elijah Miller, Private Co., "H" 117th Reg't U.S.C. Troops was born in Bourbon Co Kentucky, was enlisted the 1st day of Septbr., 1864, at Covington Ky, by Captain Samuels, and was mustered in the 1st day of September, 1864, at Covington Ky., by Captain Samuels, for 3 years. 
At the time of enlistment he was 18 years old, and 5 feet 5 inches high, Yellow complexion, Black eyes, Black hair, and by occupation a Farmer. He [[strikethrough]] was discharged (or [[/strikethrough]] died) 20th day of February, 1865, at In the Field Va  Capt. Frank G. Daggett was commanding officer and Wm M. Depugh first sergeant at time of soldier's death. [[strikethrough]] The following are the names of one or more of his company who enlisted at or about the same time and place:   enlisted   day of   186 , and   enlisted   day of   186 . [[/strikethrough]] 

1. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted here. 
2. Any other peculiar fact or event connected with the soldier's history will also be noted. 

Slave of Samuel Sol Redman, Bourbon Co. Ky.
Joined original organization; died in Company Quarters of dropsy of the heart Febr 20. '65 
No record of Musicians. 
George A Dubose Sergeant Major }
John M McLeod Q.M. Sergt }
John T Woods Commary Sergeant } at date of soldiers death
James M. Marshall and Charles Miller, names immediately preceding and following name of soldier at Company Roll Calls. 
Julius Bond, Privte, died in U.S. Army G. Hosptl Fort Monroe Va Octbr 25. '64
Alexander Roberts, Privt, died at Company Quarters at Cox Field Va Novbr. 1. 64. 
James Roberts, Privte, died at U.S. Genl Hospital Covington Ky October 6. '64
Logan Turner, Privte, died at U.S. Genl Hospital Covington Ky September 24. '64
David Anderson, Privte, died at U.S. Genl Hospital Fort Monroe Va January 11. '65
James Steward, Privte, died at Hospital at Point of Rocks Va January 12. '65
No record of Post Office address.

Transcription Notes:
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