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NARA 1016

(FORM 24.)

Washington Williams, Private Co., "A" 123rd Reg't U.S.C. Troops was born in Jackson Co Ky, was enlisted the 3rd day of June, 1864, at as a Substitute, by   , and was mustered in the 3rd day of June, 1864, at Lexington, by Captain Moore, for 3 years.
At the time of enlistment he was 46 years old, and 5 feet 8 inches high, Copper complexion, Black eyes, Black hair, and by occupation a Laborer. He was discharged [[strikethrough]] (or died) [[/strikethrough]] 16th day of October, 1865, at Louisville Ky  Captain Thomas Cox was commanding officer, and Richard Wallace was first sergeant at time of soldier's discharge. [[strikethrough]] The following are the names of one or more of his company who enlisted at or about the same time and place:   enlisted   day of   186 , and   enlisted   day of   186 . [[/strikethrough]]

1. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted here.
2. Any other peculiar fact or event connected with the soldier's history will also be noted.

No record of free or slave status.  Hawkins Jones. Bourbon Co. Ky,
Joined original organization - mustered out with Company-
Moses Hamilton, Company Musician
[[strikethrough]] J. Rice Taylor, Chaplain [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] Richard Klix, [[/strikethrough]] Sergeant Major, & Edward P. Home, Sergeant Major, discharged to enable him to accept a commission as Captain 125th U.S.C.T.
[[strikethrough]] William Brown, [[/strikethrough]] Commissary Sergeant, discharged Septbr 7. '65, by reason of expation of term of service
[[strikethrough]] James Wilkinson [[/strikethrough]] and George Williams No 1. names immediately preceding and following name of soldier at Company Roll Calls.
Walker [[strikethrough]] Wilkinson, [[/strikethrough]] Private, [[strikethrough]] Hilary Tralensider, [[/strikethrough]] Private, [[strikethrough]] James Taylor, [[/strikethrough]] Private mustered out with Company
[[strikethrough]] George Hathaway, [[/strikethrough]] Corporal, discharged July 7. '65 at U.S. Genl Hosptl at New Albany Ind.
[[strikethrough]] Phineas Ferguson, [[/strikethrough]] Corporal, died at Eruptive U.S.A. Genl Hosptl at Louisville Ky Janry 10. '65 of small pox
[[strikethrough]] Reuben Force, [[/strikethrough]] Privte, died at U.S.A. Genl Hosptl "Ohio" March 2. '65 of acute bronchitis
No record of Post Office address


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