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NARA0005 (FORM 24.) Samuel Pendleton, Private Co., "D" 122nd Reg't U.S.C. Troops was born in Clark Co. Kentucky, was [[strikethrough]] enlisted the day of, 186, at, by [[strikethrough]] and was mustered in the 17th day of October, 1864, at Lexington Ky, by 7th District Ky, for 1 year. At the time of enlistment he was 30 years old, and 5 feet 9 inches high, Black complexion, Black eyes, Black hair; and by occupation a Laborer. He was discharged (or died) 23rd day of November, 1864, at Owensboro Ky was commanding officer, and first sergeant at time of soldier's death. REMARKS. 1. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted here. 2. Any other peculiar fact or event connected with the soldier's history will also be noted. No record of free or slave status - Slave of Ed Pendleton. Clark Co. Ky He was drafted but never joined his Company. On the Organization Roll of said Company, dated Draft Rendezvous Louisville Ky December 31 '64 he is reported: "Deceased at Owensboro Ky November 23 '64 in Regimented hospital of typhoid pneumonia and is so accounted for on the Transfer Roll of the Company to "K" 122 U.S.CT.
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Reopened for Editing 2024-08-31 18:31:01