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NARA0006 War Department ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D.C., October 26, 1875. This description, or extract from the official records, is to be considered strictly confidential, and is furnished to the disbursing officer to enable him to detect frauds. He should question each claimant fully as to his military history, and, in cases of deceased soldiers, the heirs should be questioned as to the military history of husband, father, brother, or son, as the case may be. Before making payments the disbursing officer should be fully satisfied that the parties claiming the money are the persons they represent themselves to be. In case of doubt as to the identity of the soldier, payment will be refused, and the disbursing officer will reduce to writing the questions and answers, and at once transmit the same to the Adjutant General of the Army, with a full report. Thomas M Vincent Assistant Adjutant General. 623529 CONFIDENTIAL. Samuel Pendleton Pvt Late D Co., 122 Reg't U.S.C.T