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(Form 41.)


Case of Isaac Rhoades, Father of
John Baker late Pvt Co.E. 100 U.S.C.T
Residence Greenville. Ky.
Witnesses Gilbert Ellcott and D.H. Myers
Residence Greenville. Ky.
Papers presented Letter of Notifn & Affidavits

John Enlisted-When Spring 1864   Where Owensboro. Ky
By whom  Period 3 years.
Mustered-When    Where
By whom
Description-Where born Muhlenberg Co Ky   Age about 38 years when enlisted.
Isaac -Where born Russellville Ky Age 68 years.
Occupation Farmer  Eyes Bl
Hair  Gray Complexion  Bl
Height 5  feet 7 inches.
John [[strikethrough]] Discharged, [[/strikethrough]]or died at Nashville. Tenn. the same season he enlisted
on the   day of  ,18
Commanding Officer
First Sergeant

Enlisted about the same time and place.


John was a slave of Peter Baker Greenville, Ky. I heard of his death in the winter before the President was killed. John died the warm weather before I heard of his death in the winter. Isaac belonged to Solomon Rhoades of Muhlenberg Co. Ky when John enlisted. 

Witnesses on appn. D. H. Myers and Peter H. Baker.