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NARA0577 (Form 41.) MEMORANDA. Case of Hannah Catlett, Parent of Samuel Catlett late Pvt. Co. I - 116 U.S.C.T Residence near Lawrenceburg, Anderson Co. Ky. Witnesses Richard Woodbridge & Richard Catlett Residence Lawrenceburg, Ky Papers presented Letter of Notif'n & Affidavits. Samuel Enlisted - When July 1864 Where Camp Nelson. By Whom Period years. Mustered - When Where By Whom Description - Where born Anderson Co. Ky Age about 20 years. when enlisted Hannah Where born Virginia Age 60 years. Occupation Laborer Eyes Bl. Hair Grayish Complexion Copperish Height 5 feet 5 inches. Samuel [[strikethrough]] Discharged, [[/strikethrough]] or died at Camp Nelson on the day of summer of, 1864 Commanding Officer First Sergeant Enlisted about the same time and place. REMARKS. Samuel was a slave of George Catlett Anderson Co. Ky. when enlisted Hannah belonged to the same man at that time. Witnesses on app'n Barney Jones and Harrison Jennings. Confidential in case of Sam'l Catlett with Memoranda in case of Richard Catlett of Feby 24th/76.
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