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No 3
(FORM 24.)
Disbursing Officer, Nashville Tenn., to assist him in the "discovery, identification, and payment" of claimants, under act of March 29th, 1867.

[[9 columned table]]
| MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHEN | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE WHERE. | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE BY WHOM. | DISCHARGED (See Note 1.) WHEN | DISCHARGED. (See Note 1.) WHERE | NAME OF COMMANDING OFFICER OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF 1ST SERGEANT OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF ONE OR MORE OF HIS COMPANY WHO ENLISTED AT OR ABOUT SAME TIME AND PLACE. | NOTES. 1. In case of death note the fact, date, and place, in column of discharged. 2. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted in this column. 3. Any other peculiar fact, or event, connected with the soldier's history, will also be noted in this column. REMARKS. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1863 Dec 12th | Murfreesboro, Tenn ✓ | Geo. W. Ernest | 1865 ✓ Feb'y 26th. | Nashville, ✓ Tenn | Capt. J.H. Freeland ✓ | John ✓ W. Reece ✓ | Anderson Bell James Bibb | Discharged on Surgeons Certificate of Disability. No record of Slavery. On Muster Rolls of Co. from Feb'y 29th to Aug. 31st/64, he is reported "On daily duty as Regt'l Hosp. ✓ Cook ✓ since Feb'y 6th/64 xx". His name appears on Muster Rolls and M.O. Roll of Co. — as Frederick Beasley. |
| 1864 April 4th | Sulpher Branch Trestle, Ala. | W.G. Hoffman | 1865 June 22nd Died | Nashville, Tenn. | Capt S.B. Akins ✓ | James H. Hathaway | Christopher Columbus Handy Durbin | Prisoner of War. Captured ✓ at Athens ✓ Ala. Sept. 24th 1864. |
| 1864 April 4th | Sulphur Branch Trestle, Ala. | W.G. Hoffman | 1865 Jany 14th ✓ Died | Mobile ✓, Ala. | Capt. S.B. Akins ✓ | James ✓ H. Hathaway | Coleman Mosley Haynes Ridley | Died while a Prisoner of War at Mobile, Ala. ✓. Taken Prisoner at Sulphur Trestle, Ala. Sept 25th 1846. ✓ |
| 1864 March 14th | Pulaski, Tenn. | Lt. Hoffman | 1865 June 24th Died | Nashville, Tenn. | Capt M.D. Eustis | Henry Ross | Cupid Peters Charles Armstead | Died at Wilson U.S.A. Hospital of Ascites. No record of Slavery. |
| 1864 March 14 | Pulaski, Tenn. | Lt. Hoffman | 1865 Nov. 13th Died | Murfreesboro ✓, Tenn ✓. | Capt. M.D. Eustis | Henry Ross. | James Smith Anderson Smith | Died of Small Pox. ✓. No record of Slavery. |
| 1863 Dec. 15th | Shelbyville, Tenn. | Lt. G.W. Ernest | 1864 Jany 23rd Died | Shelbyville, Tenn. | Capt C.M. Keyser | Thomas Sneed | William Cochran Hector Brown | Died in Regt'l Hospital. No record of Slavery. |
| 1863 Dec. 16th | Shelbyville, Tenn | Lt. G.W. Ernest | 1864 May 30th Died | Nashville, Tenn. | Lt. David Porter | Thomas Sneed | Thomas Fletcher Rufus Leslie | Sick in Hosp. Nashville, Tenn. from May 4th until date of death. Died of Pleurisy. The name Burnet Chapman does not appear on Muster Rolls of Cs. No record of Slavery. |
| 1864 Aug. 9th | Nashville ✓, Tenn. | J.R. Paxton | 1865 July ✓ 9th ✓ Died | Greenville ✓, Tenn ✓ | 2nd Lt. C.J. Williams ✓ | James ✓ Foster✓ | Lewis Bell Charles Head | ✓. Died in Regtl Hosp. of Inf. of the Lungs. A Corporal. No record of Slavery. |
| 1864 Sept. 23rd | Nashville ✓ Lt. Ernest | 1865 May 14th Died | Knoxville, Tenn. ✓ | 1st Lt. S.L. Osbourn | John Jones | Huston Edwards August Ray | ✓ Sick in Hosp. at Knoxville, Tenn. from April 12th until date of death. Died of Typhoid Fever. No record of Slavery |
| 1863 Aug. 14th | Nashville, Tenn | Lt. H.E. Stanbury | 1866 Jany 16th | Nashville, Tenn. | Capt. W.H. Wildey | Lewis Lanier | John Graines Thomas Cox | The Co. participated in the Battle of Nashville Dec. 15th & 16th 1864. 2nd Lt. Dennis Dease was severely wounded Dec. 16th/64. No record of Slavery. Mustered out with Co. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-19 19:50:14 ✓ began removing [[underlined]] and superscript marks; need to cut/paste the symbol of the check mark so [[check mark]] not needed; instructions in TIPS state to avoid [[ ]] as much as possible, within tables in particular; add space before and after each pipe Reopened for editing 9/19/2024 9:20PM EST Added spaces before and after each pipe, added the ✓ mark instead ot eh [[check mark]] and ^ symbol in most places.