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NARA 0013

(FORM 24.) 

Louisville, KY, to assist him in the "discovery, identification, and payment" of claimants, under act of March 29th, 1867.

[[9 Columned Table]]
| MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. | WHEN. | WHERE | BY WHOM | [[strikethrough]]DISCHARGED [[/strikethrough]] DIED (see Note 1) WHEN | [[strikethrough]]DISCHARGED [[/strikethrough]] DIED (see Note 1) WHERE | NAME OF COMMANDING OFFICER OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLIDERS DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF 1st SERGENT OF COMPANY AT THE TIME OF SOLIDERS DISCHARGE OR DEATH. | NAME OF THE ONE OR MORE OF HIS COMPANY WHO ENLISTED AT OR ABOUT SAME TIME AND PLACE. | Notes: 1. In case of death note the fact, date, and place in column of discharge. 2. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted in this column. 3. Any other peculiar fact, or event, connected with the soldiers history, will also be noted in this column. REMARKS |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| - | - | - | June 1st. 1876 | Fort. McKevett Texas | Capt Henry Carroll | 1st. Sergt. Moses Williams | Lewis Hunter | 

Transcription Notes:
This looks correct to me. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-19 22:22:44 ---------- -Reopened for Editing 2024-09-20 19:38:59 corrected formatting of headers to reflect subheaders -added opening pipe as per TC instructions -blank cells just get three spaces. The cells that have the squiggly lines can just be indicated with a dash.