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(FORM 24)
Officer, Nashville Tenn, to assist him in the "discovery, identification, and payment" of claimants, under act of March 29th, 1867.

[[9 column table ]]

| MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHEN. | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHERE. | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. BY WHOM. | DISCHARGED (See Note 1.) WHEN. | DISCHARGED. (See Note 1.) WHERE. | NAME OF COMMANDING OFFICER OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF 1ST SERGEANT OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF ONE OR MORE OF HIS COMPANY WHO ENLISTED AT OR ABOUT SAME TIME AND PLACE. | NOTES.} 1.  In case of death note the fact, date, and place, in column of discharged. 2.  If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted in this column. 3.  Any other peculiar fact, or event, connected with the soldier's history, will also be noted in this column.|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| Feby. 12/64 | Shelbyville Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | Died May 17/64 | Nashville Tenn. | Capt. Fielding L. Davis | William Blackman | James Liggens Wiley Garner | No record of Free or Slave Status. Died in Genl. Hospl. of Small Pox. His name appears on Roll for May & June 1864 as John Montgomery. |

| Feby. 12/64 | Shelbyville Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | April 7/66 | Nashville Tenn. | 1st Lt. Danl. A. Bennett | William Locket | William Francis Joseph Mayberry | No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. Present for duty during entire enlistment. |

| June 24/64 | Nashville Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | April 7/66 | Nashville Tenn. | 1st Lt. Danl. A. Bennett | William Locket | Jacob Beals Marcus Thompson | No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. On Roll for May & June 1865 "On daily duty as Company Clerk. Retained Gun and accoutrements at Muster out of Company. |

| Apl 15/64 | Nashville Tenn | Lieut Ernest | April 7/66 | Nashville Tenn | 1st Lt. Danl A. Bennett | William Locket | *Marion Knox Anthony Knox *No enlistments at same time & place. The men named enlisted at other dates and places. | No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with company. Reported in rolls for July & Aug. 1865 in confinement in Regtl. Guard House. Nov & Dec 1865 & Jan & Feby 1866 Absent sick at Nashville Tenn. since Dec. 26/65. |

| Apl 15/64 | Nashville Tenn | Lieut Ernest | April 7/66 | Nashville Tenn | Capt Byson O Camp | Carter H Bonnett | George Harrison Robert Johnson | No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company | due U.S. for clothing overdrawn at Muster out of [[?]] $41.55. Present for duty during enlistment.

| Nov. 19/63 | Camp Rosecrans Tenn | Capt Mussey | Jany. 10/66 | Nashville Tenn | Capt. Wm. Duncan | Walkins Archer | Scott Hickerson Howard Leach | no record of Free or Slave Status. Sick in Genl. Hospital Nashville Tenn. Dec. 1864. Appointed Corpl. Dec. 1/65. Mustered out with Company.|

| Nov. 19/63 | Camp Rosecrans Tenn | Capt Mussey | June 3/65 | Nashville Tenn | Capt. Chas W. Bennett | John Sweeney | Paul Rucker James Wallace | No record of Free or Slave Status. Absent sick in Hospl. from Dec. 15, 1864 to date of muster out. Mustered out in accordance with instructions in telegram from War Dept. dates May 3/65, a patient in U.S. Genl. Hospital No. 16. |

| Jany 8/64 | Gallatin Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | Mar. 26/66 | Nashville Tenn | Capt. William Wynell | Henry Calloway | Thomas Campbell Aaron Cooper | No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered into service a Sergeant as "Reuben James". Reduced to the ranks July 1/64. On furlough Oct 17/65. Name born on all subsequent rolls to muster in as "Reuben Jones". Mustered out with Company | 

| Apl. 20/64 | Chattanooga Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | Apl. 30/66 | Nashville Tenn. | Capt. M.S. Hall | William Haines | Green March Washington Smith | Free Apl. 19/61. On detached service Jan & Feby. 1865. The Company was captured by the rebel Gen. Hood Oct. 13/64 at Dalton Ga. The Co. left Chattanooga Tenn. Nov. 29/64 for Nashville Tenn, when within six miles of the latter place the train was fired into by two Batteries of Arty. Mustered out with Company. | 

| June 22/64 | Chattanooga Tenn | Capt Mussey | Apl. 30/66 | Nashville Tenn. | Capt. Henry W. Meeker | Henry Kelly | William Johnson Harvey Knox | No record of Free or Slave Status. Appointed Corpl. July 1/64. Prisoner of War from Oct. 13, 1864 to June 19/65. Appointed Sergt. Aug. 25/65. Reduced from Sergt. to Privt. Dec 1, 1865. Mustered out with Company. |

Transcription Notes:
The table is more than 9 columns, but these 9 are present on this film. See previous for beginning columns. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-23 09:30:24 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-23 23:37:26 Review: Added omitted section. Unsure of the word between of and $41.55