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Extract from Records of Adjutant General's Office, furnished for the information of Major R. D. La

[[10 column table]]

| RANK | CO. | REG'T | Description. WHERE BORN. Town, County or Province. | Description. Where Born. State, Empire, or Kingdom. | Description. Where Born. AGE. | Description. OCCUPATION. | Description. ENLISTED. 
When. | Description. Enlisted. Where (Town and State). | Description. Enlisted. By Whom. |

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Sergt. | K |16th C.T. | Montgomery Co.| Tennessee | 23 | Farmer | Feby 13/64 | Clarksville Tenn | C.B. Morse |

| Sergt | E |16th C.T. | No. record| Kentucky | 20 | Farmer | Dec 14/63 | Clarksville Tenn | Lt. F.H. Waterbury |

| Privt | D | 16th C.T.| record | Missouri | 18 | Farmer| Dec 30/63 | Dover Tenn.| C. B. Morse |

| Privt | G | 14th C.T. | Wilson Co. | Tennessee | 19 | Waiter | Jany 1/64 | Gallatin Tenn | A.P. Dunlap |

| Privt | J | 14th C.T. | Wilson Co.| Tennessee | 18 | Coachman | Jany 1/64 | Gallatin Tenn | A.P. Dunlap |