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(FORM 24.)
Officer _ , to assist him in the "discovery, identification, and payment" of claimants, under act of March 29th, 1867.

[[9 column table ]]
| MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHEN.| MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHERE. | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. BY WHOM. | DISCHARGED (See Note 1.) WHEN. | DISCHARGED. (See Note 1.) WHERE. | NAME OF COMMANDING OFFICER OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF 1ST SERGEANT OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF ONE OR MORE OF HIS COMPANY WHO ENLISTED AT OR ABOUT SAME TIME AND PLACE. | NOTES.{ 1.  In case of death note the fact, date, and place, in column of discharged. 2.  If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted in this column. 3.  Any other peculiar fact, or event, connected with the soldier's history, will also be noted in this column. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Oct 5/63 | Camp Rosecrans Tenn. | Capt. Mussey | Jany 10/66 | Nashville Tenn. | Capt. Wm. Duncan | Archer Watkins | Michael Whittaker  Thomas Pillon | Joined Company at Original Organization. Was in Confinement Aug 31 1865. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. His name is borne on Muster in Roll as John De Gaffenes and on the Muster Rolls as John De Gaffins. The Company was engaged at the Battle of Nashville Dec. 16th 1864. |
| July 5/64 | Nashville Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | April 7/66 | Nashville Tenn. | 1st Lt. F. H. Butterfield | Alexander Burton | * Albert Douglas  Henry Drake  * No enlistments at same date. Men named enlisted March 11/64 at same place | Joined Company as a Recruit. Present for duty during entire term of service. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. The Company was stationed at Ridge Trestle E. & K. R.R. Tenn. when mustered Feby 28/65. |
| Feby 19/64 | Murfreesboro Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | April 25/66 | Nashville Tenn. | 1st Lt. C.C. Fulton | William Thompson | Henry Roundtree  Pleasant Allen | Joined Company at Original Organization. Deserted at Nashville Tenn. July 31/65. Returned from Desertion Dec 28/65 and restored to duty with loss of pay and allowances during absence. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. |
| Nov 1/63 | Gallatin Tenn | Capt. Mussey | March 26/66 | Nashville Tenn. √ | 1st Lt. √ H.H. Guernsey √ | John √ Wilson √ | Andrew √ Gillis √ Franklin Troutman | Joined Company at Original Organization. Was Present for duty during entire term of service. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. The company was in action at Decatur √ Ala. Oct 28/64 and at Dalton √ Ga. Aug 15/64. Pulaski & Nashville |
| Feby 1/64 | Shelbyville Tenn. | Lieut. Ernest | April 7/66 | Nashville Tenn. | Capt. Levi Patchin | Jackson Colbert | Thomas Roberts  Sandy Williams | Joined Company at Original Organization. Absent sick in Gen. Hospl. Nashville Tenn from July 16/65 to - including Feby 28/66. Mustered out with Company. No record of Free or Slave Status. |
| Aug 6/64 | Rome Ga. | Lieut. Ernest | April 30/66 | Nashville Tenn. | Capt. J.W. Elliott | George Washington | Harry Whitehead  Amos Johnson | Joined Company at Original Organization. Was made prisoner of war at Dalton Ga Oct. 13/64. Present for duty Aug 31/65. One months pay proper stopped per R.G.O. No. 17 C.S. on Roll for Nov & Dec. 1865. Mustered out with Company.  No record of Free or Slave Status. |
| June 30/64 | Chattanooga Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | March 26/66 | Nashville Tenn | Capt. David Kieuborts | Park Williams | Elvis Kay | Joined Company as a Recruit. Present in confinement Oct 31/65. Mustered out with Company.  No record of Free or Slave Status. The Company was in action at Decatur Ala Oct. 28, 1864 Capt Safford and five men wounded. |

Transcription Notes:
9.22.2024 - Made corrections and completed transcriptions of missing Remarks; Marking for review missing text in "Remarks" column for most entries ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-22 22:15:59