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(FORM 24.)

Disbursing Officer,  , to assist him in the "discovery, identification, and payment" of claimants, under act of March 29th, 1867.

[[9 columned table]]
| MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHEN. | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. WHERE. | MUSTERED INTO SERVICE. BY WHOM. | DISCHARGED. (See Note 1.) WHEN. | DISCHARGED. (See Note 1.) WHERE. | NAME OF COMMANDING OFFICER OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF 1ST SERGEANT OF COMPANY AT TIME OF SOLDIER'S DISCHARGE, OR DEATH. | NAME OF ONE OR MORE OF HIS COMPANY WHO ENLISTED AT OR ABOUT SAME TIME AND PLACE. | NOTES.} 1. In case of death note the fact, date, and place, in column of discharged. 2. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted in this column. 3. Any other peculiar fact, or event, connected with the soldier's history, will also be noted in this column. REMARKS. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Aug. 5/63 | Elk River, Tenn | Lt. H. E. Stansbury | Jany  16/66 | Nashville, Tenn | Capt. Joseph Jagger | Albert Benson | John Robinson, Edmund Master | Joined Company at Organization. Reduced, from 5th Sergt. to the ranks for incompetency March 9/64. Absent sick at Decatur a portion of Dec. 1864. Absent sick at Nashville a portion of Aug. 1865. Absent on detached duty guarding Govt. Stores a portion of Oct./65. Mustered out with Company. No record of Free or Slave Status. |

| Aug. 12/63 | St. Louis Mo. | Col. Bonneville | Sept. 15/66 | Quarantine near St. Louis Mo.| Capt. John N. Robinson | Alfred Williams | Jessee Wilson, Lewis Philips | Joined Company at Organization. Appointed 6th Corpl. Aug. 31/63. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. |

| Aug. 6/64 | Rome Ga.| Lieut. Ernest | April 30/66 | Nashville Tenn.| James W. Elliott | George Washington | Miles Washington, Henry Tunlin | Joined Company at Organization. On Rolls from Aug. 31/64 to Feb. 28, 1865. "Prisoner of War - captured at Dalton Ga. Oct. 13/64." On Roll for Mar & Apl. 1865. "Escaped Captivity since last muster." No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. |

| Dec 12/63 | Murfreesboro, Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | April 25/66 | Nashville, Tenn | Capt. H. H. Patten | Jesse Price | Solomon Woodruff, Moses Ward | Joined Company at Organization. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. |

| Dec  17/63 | Clarksville Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | Jany. 21/66 | Nashville Tenn | Capt. L. Grim | Rufus Smith | William West, Davis Smith | Originally enlisted in Co. C 16th U.S.C.T. and was transferred to Co. C. 101st C.T. June 2/64. On daily duty as Teamster at Contraband Camp during a portion of Nov & Dec 1864. No record of Free or Slave Status. Mustered out with Company. |

| Dec  2/63 | Columbia Tenn | Lieut. Ernest | April 7/66 | Nashville Tenn | William V. Doan | Jefferson Pillow | Nero Young, Eli Akin | Joined Company at Organization. June 30 to Dec. 31/65 Orderly at Regimental Hd. Qrs. On Roll for Jan & Feby 1866 "Absent sick in Hospital, Nashville Tenn." Mustered out with Company. No record of Free or Slave Status. |

| Jan 8/64 | Gallatin Tenn| Lieut. Ernest | Mar. 26/66 | Nashville Tenn. | Capt. A. C. Snyder | Francis M. Harris | Edmund Baker, Gilbert Baker | Joined Company at Organization. On daily duty as Company Cook a portion of Nov & Dec 1865. Mustered out with Company. No record of Free or Slave Status. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-20 19:52:57 Reopening. Not ready for review. This will need major re-do. Please review TC instructions on table transcription for FB docs. No bracketing/explanations of abbreviated words; questioned words need to be denoted by [[?]]; strikethroughs with double brackets; header line of pipes & dashes missing, etc.