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List of Articles expended in the Public Service at Nashville Tennessee, under the direction of Capt H.S. Hawkins, 6th Inf D.O, in the Second Quarter, ending June 30th 1876.

[[3 Columned Table]]
| No or Quantity | Articles Expended. | Application |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 9 Bus | Coal | Expended for the U.S. Disbursing Office Freedmen's Branch AGO at Nashville Tenn.  |
| 8 Qrs | Letter-Paper |   |
| 3 Qrs | Cap-Paper |   |
| ½ Qrs | Envelope-paper |   |
| 10 Qrs | Note-paper |   |
| 486 | Envelopes |   |
| 1 Btl | Black-Ink |   |
| 1 Btl | Red-Ink |   |
| ½ Btl | Mucilage |   |
| 48 | Steel-Pens |   |
| 1 | Lead-Pencil |   |
| ½ Box | Rubber-Bands |   |
| 7 Sheets | Blotting Boards |   |
| 1 | Mucilage-Brush |   |
| 6 | Envelope-Cases |   |
| 1/8 Box | Paper-Fasteners |   |
| 2/3 Box | Quill-Pens |   |
| 1 | Index-Book |   |

I certify that the several articles above enumerated, have been necessarily expended in the Public Service at this Station as indicated by the marginal remarks annexed to them respectively.

HS Hawkins
Capt 6th Inf. D.O.

Transcription Notes:
expended, not expanded Qrs = Quires Btl = Bottle