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(No. 33)

We, Daniel Young and Jonathan Myers of Louisville, parish or county of Jefferson, and State of Kentucky, do solemnly swear that we are neighbors of Alice Adams and have been well acquainted with her for 25 years and 21 years respectively; that she is the identical Alice Adams that she represents herself to be that she is the widow of Immanuel Adams, deceased who enlisted in the military service of the United States and served in Company K of the 64th Regiment of U.S. Colored Infantry, and that we are not interested in any claim which the said Alice Adams has or may have against the United States.

Henry Hughes  
C.W. Barkley

Daniel his x mark Young 
Jonathan his x mark Meyers

Sworn and subscribed before me this twentieth day of October, 1877; and I hereby certify that the contents of the foregoing affidavit were carefully read by me to the affiants before subscribing their names thereto, and I know the affiants to be credible persons.

[[seal]]  Otis Rood
          Notary Public, Jefferson 
          County, Ky.

I certify, That ______________, before whom the above affidavit was made, is a ___________ duly authorized to administer oaths, and that the above is his signature.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seat this ______________, 187  .

[L.S]    _________________________
Clerk of the __________________

NOTE. --- In all cases where a mark is substituted for the written signature, two disinterested witnesses are required.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-16 21:23:39