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(FORM 24.)

Immanuel Adams. Private, "K" Co., 64th Reg't U.S.C. Troops, was born in Virginia, was enlisted the 28th day of Novr, 1863, at Natchez Miss:, by Mark Dare, and was mustered in the 1st day of Decr, 1863, at Natchez Miss:, by Captn C. E. Lanstrum, for 3 years.
At the time of enlistment he was 52 years old, and 5 feet 6 inches high, Black complexion, Black eyes, Black hair, and by occupation a Laborer. He was discharged [[strikethrough]] (or died) [[/strikethrough]] 5th day of July, 1865, at Vicksburg Mississippi  Captain Mark Dave was commanding officer, Samuel Burkes first sergeant at time of soldier's discharge. [[strikethrough]] The following are the names of one or more of his company who enlisted at or about the same time and place:   enlisted   day of 186 , and enlisted day of 186 . [[/strikethrough]]

1. If a slave, that fact and name of owner will be noted here.
2. Any other peculiar fact or event connected with the soldier's history will also be noted.

No record as to "Free or Slave" Status.
Joined Company at Original Organization.
Deserted at Marengo La July 24th 64.- Returned Decr 15th 1864 -
Stopped One months pay by order Major Meatford.
He was discharged on Surgeons Certificate of Disability, because of "Old age (56 years) General Debility and Asthma, Disease contracted prior to enlistment - Should not have been enlisted, is not fit for the Veteran Reserve Corps_ Degree of Disability 1/3, one third."
Company Musicians ___ No record.
Corporal William Costa & private Henry Alexander, names immediately preceding & following that of the Soldier at Co. Roll Calls.
Private Levi Birds - "Died in quarters at Davis Bend Miss: May 20th/65xx."
Private Aaron Fletcher - "Died in U.S.A. Gen'l Hosp'l No 3, at Vicksburg Miss: June 18th/65xx."
Private Anthony Johnson - "Died in Reg'l Hosp'l at Davis Beard Miss: May 13th/65xx."
Private Edward Buckner - "Discharged at V.Burg Miss: July 5th/65xx."

Transcription Notes:
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