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County of Goochland State of Virginia
December first, eighteen hundred sixty eight.

On agreement entered into this day by R.J.Banks of the first part and Edwin C. Morse, Agent. of Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, of the second part, witness: that I, R.J. Banks of the first part do hereby agree to rent or lease to E.C. Morse, Agent of the second part, a house on my plantation, and owned by me, for and in consideration of the sum of five (5) dollars per month, said house to be used by said E.C. Morse as a school-house for Freedmen and their children, for such period as said house may be required by the said Morse for the purpose herein specified. 
Witness: That I, Edwin C. Morse, Agent,of the second part do hereby agree to rent or lease of R.G. Banks of the first fact said house specified above, and that I agree to pay to said R.G. Banks the sum of five (5) dollars monthly, and that the said house is to be used only for a school-house for the Freedmen and their children, and for such period as it may be required as such for a school to be taught by Mrs Juliana Argyle.

R.G. Banks 
E.C. Morse, A.S.A. Comr.

By order of Asst Comr 
Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt U.S. Army

Transcription Notes:
Can't find Cudler on personnel rolls, but it sure looks like Willit. Cudler. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-09-12 12:35:29 it's Will A Coulter