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This Deed made this First day of December in the year of our Lord, one thousand, Eight Hundred and Sixty-Six, between Hamilton W Shields of the Town of Christiansburg County of Montgomery, and State of Virginia of the first part; and Bvt. Captain C. S. Schaeffer USV and Asst. Supt. 8th Dist. of Va. Bureau of B.F.& S.L. of the second part - Witnesseth, that the said Hamilton W. Shields doth demise unto the said Bvt Captain C.S. Schaeffer USV, his personal representatives and assigns or Successor in Office - One Room, situated on the north side of Main Street, in the town of Christiansburg, upstairs, over the Room now occupied by one Cocke as a Fancy Store, with the right of ingress and egress to the same, for the term of one month, from the day and year above named, at the rate of Sixty-Six dollars ($66) per year - with the privilege of retaining the same for Twelve months, or any lesser period, at the rates above named 
Witness our hands and Seals, this day and Year above written

Hamil W. Shields [Seal.]
C.S. Schaeffer [Seal.]
Bvt. Capt. USV. & Asst. Supt.
Bureau of R.F. & A.L.

Robert A. Miller

Approved by order of Major General Schofield Assistant Commissioner
O Brown
Bvt Brig. Genl. A.A.A.G.

Transcription Notes:
diagonal overwriting still needs to be transcribed