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0344 Nelson Co. 46 Office Asst. Supt. Campbell, Appomattox, Amherst, & Nelson Cos. Va Lynchburg Va. March 10th 1867. Stevenson Louis W. 2nd Lieut. V.R.C. Asst. Supt. Reports names &c of Whites & Freedmen of Nelson County, Va. in compliance with "Confidential Letter" dated Hd. Qrs. D. of P. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Richmond, Va. March 8th 1867. Copy Nelson Co. -LB. 1 Vol 152 - 1867- File and write Lieut Stevenson to furnish the names of men in the other Cos of his Sub District as soon as presented. [[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA BUREAU R.F. & A.L. RECD. HD QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER. MAR 13 1867 [[/stamp]]
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