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0358 [[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]] but for some years past a resident of Virginia, having inherited a large estate which he now possesses, resides in the eastern part of the county, near Keswick Depot, which is his post office. He was a friend to secession and rebellion, but is esteemed by all classes as a most worthy gentlemen. He was formerly a Clay Whig. Most of the gentlemen of highest respectability in this county are disqualified to hold office under the law, on account of offices which they formerly held under the government of the United States. This 'applies' in some instances to devoted Union men. Among the colored people in this county there are very few who have intelligence beyond their ordinary avocations, and still fewer who have any education. And upon inquiry I find the most intelligent are not in all cases the most influential. Robert Scott, an octoroon, is a musician. He has always been free, owns considerable property, and reads and writes. He mingles but little with either race, but is by both highly esteemed. He resides in Charlottesville. Nicholas Rickmond, a quadroon, is a shoemaker. He has always been free. He is also a Baptist preacher, and is highly respected in the community. He reads and writes. He is intelligent, and exercises considerable influence among the colored people. He resides in Charlottesville. William Gibbons, a mulatto, is a farmer, and was formerly a slave. He, too is a Baptist preacher-
Transcription Notes:
NB: Octoroon transcribed as written. Offensive term for a person of 1/8 black heritage.
Quadroon = Offensive term for a person of 1/4 black heritage.
Mulatto = offensive term for dual descent, usually 1/2 black heritage
Reopened for Editing 2024-09-28 12:56:01