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First Page

Memphis, Tenn., May 12, 1873

Mr. C. Snyder,
Atty at Law, P.O. Box 202,
Chattanooga, Tenn.

In reply to your letter of the 10th inst., I have the honor to inform you that the claim of Narcissus C. Patton, late Pvt. Co. K, U.S.C.T., has not been sent to me; nor is it likely that it will, as Chattanooga is not in my district.

I would advise you to address Maj. R.S. La Motte, D.O. at Nashville, Tenn., to whom the claim has probably been sent.

If you fail to obtain from him the information, you should leave a letter addressed to the claimant to Genl. E.D. Townsend, Adjt. Genl. U.S.A., Washington, D.C., stating the number of the Bureau Cert. secured in the case and requesting that valuable papers be sent to Maj. La Motte at Nashville, who will probably accomplish the final payment or decision.

I have the honor to be, Sir,
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Geo. Gibson,
Major 5th U.S.C.T.

Memphis, Tenn., May 12, 1873

Mr. E. Geissiter,
Pine Bluff, Ark.

I have the honor to inform you that I have for payment the following claims:

    John Brandon, Co. D, 109th
    Willis Baldwin, K.8
    Wm. Hamilton, B.63 Inf
    Peter Slone, B. Co.
    Ruben Jones, A.8
    George Taylor, Co. E, 54 Inf
    Thomas Washington, A.63
    Rachel Hampton (widow), B.
    Wade Hampton, Co. A.62

Second Page

These persons can be paid at Helena at the Little Rock Depot on presenting themselves with their witnesses as explained to you in my letter of yesterday in reference to the cases of John Rodes, late of Co. H, 64 Inf.

To prevent disappointment to claimants, it is desirable that the witnesses referred to should belong to the same company as the claimant or, if this is impossible to procure, then three senior persons familiar with the war records of the soldier should appear as witnesses. Two witnesses are required in each case.

I have the honor to be, Sir,
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Geo. Gibson,
Major 5th U.S.C.T.

Memphis, Tenn., May 12, 1873

Respectfully returned, and attention invited to the evidence of Henry Miller, Alexander Willis, and George Johnson, all colored.

I am unable to ascertain anything in reference to the case of Thomas Motlow, late of Co. M, 102nd.

The papers in the case are herewith returned.
Geo. Gibson,
Major 5th U.S.C.T.

Memphis, Tenn., May 12, 1873

To the Auditor of the Treasury for the U.S.,
Through the Adjt. Genl., U.S.A.,
Washington, D.C.

In compliance with circulars from the War Dept., dated Feb. 1873, I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of receipt #52114 in settlement of Back Pay due to claim of Thomas Lewis, late Pvt. Co. B, 8 U.S.C.I., as per Deed, Cert. No. 300241.