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 I have the honor to be Sir Very respy yr obt servt Ed Green Maj 6th Inf D.C.B.B.H.D. Memphis Tenn May 31 73 Gen E D Townsend Adjt Gen USA Sir I have the honor to announce that I shall take my departure for Illinois by post this afternoon accompanied by my clerk where the post remainder division week. I can be reached by telegraph should it Saint Louis or Memphis and if necessary to communicate with me. I have the honor to be Sir Very respy yr obt servt Ed Green Maj 6th Inf D.C.B.B.H.D. HQ P.B. Memphis, Memphis Tenn June 5th 1873 Capt Jos McMillan 15th Co San Francisco Capt. On the 31st day of May (as the being attendant upon getting ready my monthly and Quarterly Papers, we will be ready at present at for my departure to Illinois on the 1st of the inst.) I do remain to release Transfer to yourself, the list, one being for 245,078, also a Total act to Maj las B Wilker, is having official at this time. Upon last just received from Insp Annual returning me the act of transfer intended for yourself of 245,078 (which I have found by you) it is possible that the error made for himself was but you in mistake. If so, will you kindly return the two at an early date. Very Respectfully Capt Your Most Obt Servt Geo Gibson Temp Comdg Post HQ P.B. Memphis, Memphis Tenn June 5th 1873 Capt J McMillan 15th Cavalry D.S. New Orleans La. Capt [continued] [text appears to fade out] HQ P.B. Memphis, Memphis Tenn June 5th 1873 Capt. Send McMillan 15th Inf D.S. New Orleans La. Enclosed please find Receipt in Duplicate for the sum of Five Hundred Two Dollars and ten cents as the final day and being the amount placed by you to my official credit in the Post Act when under your administration I have the honor to be Capt Very Respectfully Geo Gibson Act Post Cdr HQ P.B. Memphis, Memphis Tenn June 5th 1873 Mr. Dead Capt H Gray & Co. South Bay Mass Sir Enclosed with the President's Banks Little Party, which on the morning of the 11th day of the present inst for the purpose of examining into proper advance during Claims to trouble place you have appeared with your principal should you so desire. Very Respectfully &c Geo Gibson Act Post Cdr HQ P.B. Memphis, Memphis Tenn June 5th 1873 Henderson Clavey Post of Arkansas Sir Your of June 1st received. Unable to act Little Rock, Arkansas (Banks and Banks) on the 11th of the present inst for the purpose of examining into my own office at this period on the 25th If you would please have had the same act filed the claim you might bring those official when need as to 1 Been officer Acting Capt on Chief of B count Very Respy &c