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HQ P.B. Memphis, Memphis Tenn June 5th 73 To Col Minor, Town Line Business Vic Tenn Sir, Yours of June 3rd is with reply. I have to report no official claimants at this time appear under this place until Col major for examination by me individually as to identity. Under no circumstances am I permitted to pay claimants not in through the hands of their parties, only to claimants themselves, as that upon their being fully identified. I will be away for here from the 11th inst. Very Respectfully, Geo Gibson Acting Captain HQ P.B. Memphis, Memphis Tenn June 5th 73 Gen'l Ed Townes Adjt Gen USA Genl, I have the honor to transmit through you to the Secretary of the Navy for file, Records 1844, Abstract of Claimants & Affairs, quarterly to of account Records, Pay & Bounty for the month of May 1873. I would be unable as yet to list to accompany my Papers forwarded on the 31st of May. I have the honor to be Genl Very Respectfully &c Geo Gibson Acting Captain D.C.B.B.H.D. Memphis Tenn June 7 73 Gen E D Townsend Adjt Gen USA Sir, I have the honor to transmit herewith my Weekly Report of Payment on account of Bounties &c for the week ending Saturday June 7, 1873 I have the honor to be Sir Very respectfully Your obedient servant Ed Green Maj 6th Inf D.C.B.B.H.D. [Continued in next message due to length]