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D.O. F.B. A.G.O.
Memphis Tenn. June 10. 73.

Genl. E.D. Townsend
Adjt Genl, &c
As directed by your letter of May 21 etc I have the honor to transmit herewith an estimate of the stationery acquired for the use of this office for the 6 months ending Dec. 31. 73.
I have the honor to be Genl.
Very respy yr obdt servt
Geo Gibson
Maj. 5th. Inf. D.O.

D.O. F.B. A.G.O.
Memphis Tenn. June 11. 73.

Maj. T.M. Anderson
10th Inf. D.O. &c
As directed by the Adjt. Genl of the Army under date of June 4 73 I have the honor to transmit herewith a draft on the Freedmens Bank Vicksburg Miss. $216 20/100 this being the amount of the claim of Washington Stewart late Pvt. Co. C. 80 C.T. also confidential list, discharge & extract copy of list of claimants. Please acknowledge receipt.
I will thank you to sign & return the inclosed receipts
I have the honor to be Major
Very respy yr obdt servt
Geo Gibson
Maj. 5th Inf D.O.

D.O. F.B. A.G.O.
Memphis Tenn. June 11, 73.
Mr S.A. Coolidge P.M.
LaGrange Tenn.
In reply to your letter of the 9th inst I have the honor to inform you that the name of [?] Stephens late Pvt Co.I. 109. C.T. is not on my books
Major A.P.Howe 4th Artillery is Disbursing Officer at Louisville Ky.
I have the honor to be Sir
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Geo Gibson
Major 5th Infty
D.O. F.B. A.G.O.

D.O. F.B. A.G.O.
Memphis Tenn June 11. 73.
To the Hon. Treas. U.S.
Through Adjt Genl U.S.A.
Washington D.C.

In compliance with circular from the War Dept A.G.O. dated Feb 5. 73 I have the honor to transmit herewith Certif. of Dep. in 1st Nat Bank of Memphis Tenn dated June 10. 73 in the following cases:
No 5172 for $89. - this being the amount of the claim of David [Gainer?] late Pct. Co.D.63. C.T as per Treas. Certif. No 090611 less Atty & Notarial fees.
No 5173 for 98 96/100 this being the aunt that aims 


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