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Sent who I assess to be his sister An informal examination made by me (in connection with the confidential list furnished me in the case) proved exclusively that he was the identical soldier who performed the service, he answering the description given as well as warranting the facts connected with his enlistment service and discharge. I have the honor to enclose you at this time also the testimony taken by me whilst at Helena (accompanied) by the confidential list) in the case of Ann Staused widow of William Harris late Pvt. of. G. Co. 63.C.T. directed to be paid on the list of April 9.73. Attention respectfully invited to discrepancies. I beg leave respectfully to call attention to my letter to you of date May 15 in which I asked for instructions in regard to the claim of Nancy Linsey widow of Aquinas Linsey late Pvt. Co. K 54.C.T. I have the honor to be Gnrl Very respy yr obdt servant Geo Gibson Maj. 5th. Inf. D.O. D.O.F.B.A.G.O. Memphis Tenn. June 16.73 Form 30 sent to M. Maben, P. Robinson, P. Russell returned, W. Walker, E. Detts returned P. Boyd, I Brescom returned, M. Clark returned, L.J. Cooper, P. Ferrell, D. Garrett returned, J Grear, T Halloway, Howell J Jackson returned, P. Mahan returned, S. Martin, J Mills returned, S. Morrison returned, A. Oates, C. Randall, I Sharp, H. Swith, G. Sykes returned, J. Walker returned, N. Ward returned, G. Washington returned, L Woodfolk returned, M. Love E Taylor T Anderson returned, W. Bonaparte returned. D.O.F.B.A.G.O. Memphis Tenn. June 17.73 Cpt. J. McMillan 3rd Arty &c Capt I have the honor to transmit here herewith for settlement the vouchers of Frank H. Mills clerk & James Joyce janitor for services during the month of June 1873 accounting to $100 & $xo respectively. I have the honor to be Capt Very respy yr obdt servant Geo Gibson Maj. 5th Inf D.O. D.O.F.B.A.G.O. Memphis Tenn. June 17.73 Capt. J. McMillan 3rd Arty &c. Capt. I have the honor to transmit herewith signed receipt in duplicate for $2438 62/100 placed to my official credit in the 1st. Nat. Bank Memphis Tenn June 12, 1873 with which to pay 15 claimants as per list of same date I have the honor to be Capt Very respy yr obdt servant Geo Gibson Maj 5th Inf D.O. D.O.F.B.A.G.O. Memphis Tenn. June 20.73 Gen E.D. Townsend Adjt Genl &c. Genrl On the list of claimants to be paid dated Dec 4.72. I was directed to pay Caroline Marks widow of Jordan Marks late Pvt. E. Co. 64.C.O. the sum of $447 80/100. Sufficient to say that on the occasion of my very recent visit to Little Rock Ark., I was waited upon by a colored woman from Pine Bluff Ark (accompanied by two witnesses) who represented herself to be the claimant in question viz - Caroline Marks. It will be perceived from the testimony taken by me in the case which is respectfully submitted that the soldier is represented as having been transferred from the 69 Regt. U.S.C.T to Co. A. 64.C.T. I also at the same time inclose copy of the confidential extract in the case. May I not hope that the records may be again examined to see whether the solider was transferred to A. Co. instead of E. Co. I have the honor to be Gnrl Very respy yr obdt servant, Geo Gibson Maj 5th. Inf. D.O. D.O.F.B.A.G.O. Memphis Tenn. June 20.73 Capt. J. McMillan D.O. &C Capt. I have the honor to acknowledge the [[?]]
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