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D.O. F.B. A.G.O.
Memphis Tenn. June 24 73

Capt. J. McMillan
3rd Arty &c

I have the honor to transmit herewith my receipts in duplicate for $2853 70/100 placed by you to my official credit in the 1st Nat. Bank Memphis Tenn with which to pay 2 Claimants as per your list of date of June 19, 1873
I have the honor to be Capt.
Very respy yr obdt servt
Geo Gibson
Maj. 5th. Inf. D.O. 

D.O. F.B. A.G.O.
Memphis Tenn June 25 73

Capt. J. McMillan
3rd Arty &c

I have the honor to transmit herewith for settlement the vouchers, in duplicate of myself and Clerk for mileage amounting to $26 80/100 each also the vouchers of Bayle & Chapman for Stationery amounting to $13 25/100
I have the honor to be Capt.
Very respy yr obdt servt
Geo Gibson
Maj. 5th. Inf. D.O.

D.O. F.B. A.G.O.
Memphis Tenn June 25, 73.

Genl. E. D. Townsend
Adjt. Genl. &c

In addition to the articles of stationery called for on my requisition of June 10, 1873 I have the honor to request that I may be furnished with 50 Box or Document Envelopes 9 inches in length of the following description
15 - 1/2 inch diser [?]
20 - 2/4 inch [[?]]iser
10 - 1 inch [[?]]iser
5 - 1 1/4 inch [[?]]iser 
These are to enable use to carry money with safety when [[?]] & Little Rock- Ark. There are 
no banking facilities at either place of which I can [[?]] myself and I am compelled to carry the currency with 
I have the honor to be Genl.
Very respf'y your obdt servtc
Geo Gibson
Major 5th Infty

D.O. F.B. A.G.O.
Memphis Tenn June 26, 73.
Hou E. B. French
2ns Aud. [?] of the [[?]]
Sir: At the request of Mr S. I. Clark U.S. [[?]] at Helena Ark. I have the honor to transmit herewith the applications for a means of pay & bounty of Mary Washington as widow of George Washington late Corp. A. G. C.B.C.D. & Mary Francis Gaines as widow of David Gaines late pvt Co.D 63. C. D. 
Those were given to me in order that I might be assured of the death of George Washington & David Gaines in whose favor Treasury Certificates were issued & to enable me to turn the money into the Treasury which I did upon the 19th inst.
I have the honor to be Sit
Very respy your obdt servnt
Geo Gibson

Transcription Notes:
D.O. = Disbursing Officer F.B. = Freedmen Bureau A.G.O. = Adjutant Generals Office Envelope measurement description unclear. Bottom of pages too dark to read clearly last section of right side needs to be added. signature line of paragraph right before also needs to be added.