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This race is found in the upper part of the N.W. Provinces, and over all parts of Rohilcund. Their settlement in Rohilcund dates from the early part of the 18th century. The name of the tract of country is derived from their occupation, the early Pathans who settled there being called "Rohee," or hill men, which is said to be a Pathan provincial term. They were soldiers of fortune, and emigrated in large bodies from Cabool and its mountains, the Hindoo Koosh. Their chief occupation is military service as irregular cavalry, though some members have now taken to civil employ an farming. They are now generally a settled tribe, though numbers resort to all parts of India for service, chiefly military. Their religion is Mahomedan, and for the most part of the Soonee profession.  Pathans are martial and ferocious when on military service, greedy of gain, and reputed fickle and treacherous; but there have been some splendid cases of fidelity and bravery among them. Their principal diet is animal food; their vegetable food is rice and unleavened cakes of wheaten flour, and they are fond of flavoured and highly spiced dishes.  They live between fifty and sixty years; but they seem to be failing in physique in this country.

By the "Qanoon-i-Islam," the Pathans are alleged to have descended from the prophet Yacoob or Jacob, and the origin of their appellation is thus described in an Arabic work named Syer: - During a certain battle the prophet Mahomed had ordered ten men of rank to engage the enemy, who were all killed. He then directed the soldiers to choose a brave and skilful individual as their leader, and one was selected from the family of "Khalid bin Wuleed," a descendant of the Prophet's. This intrepid warrior gained the victory, and having returned to Mahomed, the title of "Futthan," or victorious, was conferred upon him, and this word became gradually corrupted into Puttan, or Pathan. - Vide Article Pathans of Bareilly.