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THIS person belongs to one of the numerous tribes of Hill Rajpoots, few of whom are recognized by the tribes of the plains.  It is conjectured that on the Mahomedan invasion many portions of Rajpoot clans may have driven into the hills, and, unable to return, may have allied themselves to women of the country, and hence the mixed breeds of so-called Rajpoots have arisen, and have been maintained among each other.  The person represented belongs to the poorest part of the hills in the Gurhwal district; but his village lies further from the snowy range than others.  A shabby felt or quilted cap, ragged and even matted hair, a rough blanket arranged like a body coat, with the end doubled over his shoulders, completes his rude costume; while attached to a cord round his neck he wears his tobacco bag, and leather purse which contain his flint and steel, his money, if he has any, and a few betel leaves and spices, which he chews at times after his meals.  These Rajpoots employ Brahmins for their religious ceremonies and household observances; but they have no pretensions to purity of descent or caste, and would not be admitted to the society of, or alliance with, any of the real Rajpoot tribes.  The staff he holds is used as an alpen stock, and is shod with iron in the form of a crutch or pitchfork, in which capacity, and to help him in difficult places, it is generally employed.  His tribe, or clan, subsist by agriculture, and to some extent as labourers and porters, to which they are driven by poverty. They marry as ordinary Hindoos, and their women are not secluded.  They live ordinarily upon grain cakes, with milk, butter, curds, and vegetables; but they eat also wild hog, and game, with the flesh of goats and kids.