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its emigration from Hindoostan proper, at probably a comparatively late period.  There are upwards of twenty clans of Rajpoots in the Jullunder Dooab district of the Punjab, of which those represented are the chief in rank and position, and the Kutoch clan numbers several chieftains among its members.  In their religion they follow the Brahminical faith, their Gooroos, or spiritual teachers, being Brahmins; and, as a consequence, their ceremonial observances are the same as those of Rajpoots elsewhere, with little difference.  Nor is there anything to remark upon in their diet.  They may eat animal food, except beef, and they are forbidden the use of fermented or distilled liquors; but they smoke tobacco and ganja, the latter to excess, and use opium as freely as their fellow caste men of Rajpootana.  As a class, they are in the deepest ignorance; and it is, perhaps, or has been, a questionable point, whether it was not dishonourable in a chieftain to be in any degree educated.