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The Bhuttumees are a small and unimportant Pathan or Afghan tribe of the frontier. They are in many respects dependant upon the great tribe of the Wuzeerees, by whom they are kept under, and support themselves by agriculture and grazing. They are Soonnee Mahomedans, and have no particular customs to distinguish them from their neighbours, or from the Wuzeerees, among whom they reside. The territory they inhabit adjoins that of the Wuzeerees, near Tak or Tauk, in the Dehra Ismael Khan district, and is of small extent. The only occasion on which the tribe has come into collision with the British Government was in 1853, when they attacked and burnt two British villages, in revenge for the death of one of their chiefs, who in a predatory excursion had been slain by the police. Shortly afterwards a party of the tribe was captured by the police, and the results of the expeditions against the Sheoranees and Kusranees, their neighbours, brought them to a sense of their own weakness, and they were admitted to terms, on condition of abstaining from predatory outrages in future. Since then the complaints against them have been few and unimportant.