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                   A SINDEE WOMAN.

enough without enlarging their ideas, and putting such weapons as pens into their hands.  In manners the Sindee female wants the mildness of the Indian, and the vivacity of the Afghan and Persian.  She is rather grave and sedate than otherwise in society, and is not so much at home in it, owing to the want of hummums and frequent social intercourse.  She is fond of play, and can cheat with formidable dexterity.  The chief games are pachis, cards, and cowrees thrown like dice; and the excitement caused by them is so great that violent quarrels frequently occur, even when no wagers are laid.....They are fond of drinking liqueurs, and the different preparations of hemp; intoxication is always the purpose of their potations.  Many of them take snuff, and almost all smoke tobacco in the hookah.  Their other amusements are dressmaking, the toilette, and intrigue."--pp. 296-298.
   They need not perhaps be pursued further.