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THE Uppar caste is numerous in Mysore; they, with the Kunchittigars, a variety of the class, are generally carpenters and masons, while some follow the occupation of salt making wherever there are materials for the purpose, as has been before described. They are Sudras of good caste, but only marry in their own sect, and widows are allowed to re-marry if they please; in which case the children of the first marriage, if any, remain with their father's relatives. Uppars are also cultivators of the soil, but do not belong to the regular agricultural class. They are all followers of Vishnu, and their priests belong to their own order; though Brahmins are reverenced, and perform ceremonial observances for them. They are a healthy, long-lived tribe, occasionally eating mutton and fish, but their ordinary food is farinaceous and vegetables combined. They do not indulge in intoxicating drinks, and, as a class, are very contented, industrious, and prosperous.