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1) June [[underline]]1911[[/underline]] [[underline]]Oilcolor[[/underline]] on hand
Flake white
Zinc white 3.T. ([[?]], WN, [[?]])
Cambridge white [[underline]]1.T.[[/underline]]
Lemon Y 1TWN.
Naples Yellow [[?]] 1TSh
Aureolin 5T.WN. 2T.shf.
Zinc Yellow 3T Shf
Aurora Cadm 6TWN
Cadm pale 1.TSh.
Cadm middle
Cadm [[dke ?]]
Cadm orange 2T Shf
Yellow Ochre 1T.WN
Roman oche 1T.Sh 1T WN
Stone Oche 2T.Sh
brown Oche 1T WN
Tramp Gold Oche 1TWN
Bt Roman Oche 1T WN
Oxford Ochr 1TDeN
Cool Rom Ochr 1T WN
raw Siena 1T

[[written in right margin, perpendicular to body of entry]][[underline]] Brushes [[/underline]] 16 yellow handle (14 WN or Rubens) Bristle
10 red Sables
17 red handle Bristles Devol etc.