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The large tree is heightened, also the sky & the hill.

[[underlined]] Art painting #2 July 25-11. morning at Perth Amboy [[underlined]]

West. Sun still mild, hence yellow light and the shadows moderately deep ultram blue, reflecting the softest zenit blue. The evening has an orange sun and greenblue shadows, moon a white light and deepest blue violett shadows. The yellow here would require pure violet but blue instead indicates moisture of morning air. Ace [[image -- vertical line with arrow pointing to it]] vertical planes are brightest [[image]] and pure in color + yellow, but the one reflecting the sun itself to the eye, all horizontal planes are less brilliant gras and foliage has both [[image]] [[image]] distance soft. turquoise, rose, white-lilac; so water; weak orange lights & reflexes. - links zwei schlanke Bäume in menschlicher Haltung rechts ein wunderschon grosser Baum mit  [[strikethrough]] vielen [[/strikethrough]] einen Stammbüschel [[left side, two images with lines and arrows and the word "eye"]]