Viewing page 45 of 207

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[[image - ink sketch of landscape with color notes for painting]] [[image of stable, mountains, factory buildings, fields with colors noted on various parts.]]
[[roof of stable]] grün 
gelbe violett 
[[wall of stable]] blau [[lower wall of stable-strikethrough]] [[gelb...?]][[/strikethrough]]
[[wall of stable, front facing]]  grün blau 
[[under the stable]]rosa violett 
[[wall of stable]] viol rot
[[wall of stable]] chrome gelb rosa rot
[[mountain]] grün.blau.violett 
rotblau       hell blau  
[[chimney]] Yellow
[[building to left]] rosa
[[building below]] meapelz 
[[middle space ]] rot [[orange gelbe]] blau  grün  emerald rosa gelb grün   
vermilion orange
[[surface in front, fields]] Grüngelb blauviolett
graublau rot grün schwarz

[[side sketches - foliage]] gelbweiss, grünblau  grün  rot]]

[[Columned list of notes along right edge of page]]
Bezeichnung [[underline]]Farbe[[/underline]] = im Schatten viste Farbe stärkere 
immer complementäre Farben gegeneinander
grüngelb = cob green
rosa weiss



grüngelb | rosa-rot weiss


Transcription Notes:
In German no clear instructions on convention to use for this kind of document I made some slight changes in description of the buildings because I am familiar with the specific scene depicted here which is a version of a view of the factories of Paterson, NJ, against Garrett Mountain Some words underscorded, but I did not add in transcription as it is already difficult to read