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and I did. We had a delicious supper and I slept in my old room, on a feather bed. I walked almost half way up the hill alone that evening.

Tue. September 18th
When I came down to breakfast there was mince pie, and squash pie, fried oysters, and doughnuts, boiled eggs, and cheese. The first thing that Margaret and I did after breakfast was too take a pair of scissors and get bits hair off all the different animals, -- even from one of the pigs. I then went up to the top of the hill with Don. It must have rained in the night, for all 
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the little hollows on the hill were full of clear water. When I got to the top I found two pretty, white stones, which I took with me. When I came down again Margaret and I repaired our pond for a while. After dinner Margaret wanted to fish in the trout brook. So we dug in the garden until we had enough worms, which we brought to "Dada," as Margaret calls Mr. Stearns. He gave us a fishing-pole and line, and put a worm onto the hook for us. We went down to the trout brook; which was tremendously swollen by the rain; and fished for quite a while, but didn't catch anything. Fred Stearns had fixed my swing that morning, so that Margaret and I could swing all we liked.