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Miss H. called on us. Sunny and hot.

Sun. June 3rd ^[[We went to Keene in 1887]]
My papa, Mr. Potts, and I, took a walk in the woods in the morning. Mr Potts took dinner with us. We all paddled down to Harrisville in the after-noon. Sunny, and rather hot.

Mon. June 4th.
Sunny and coolish. We all, - Mr. Potts too - paddled down to Harrisville in the afternoon. Miss Jones got a letter which made her decide to stay until the last of June.

Tue. June 5th.
Gerald and I spent the morning at the park, and got a bank swallow's egg. Arthur Carey was expected.

Wed. June 6th.
We paddled up the inlet, (in the morning I think.) We paddled down the outlet ^[[in the afternoon]]

where we found some boys with live young crows. My papa bought three for forty cents: one of which was an old female, whom we let go the next morning. Arthur Carey was expected.

Thur. June 7th
My papa, Gerald, and I paddled up the inlet in the morning.

Fri. June 8th
We expected Arthur Carey; but got a letter from him saying that he was coming the next day. I finished the calendar that this is coppied from.

Sat. June 9th
We all, - Mr Potts too, walked up the Thompson road in the after-noon. A little white bull-dog followed us home. When we got home we found Arthur Carey. Miss K. was there too.

Sun. June 10th
Cloudy day. The little dog disappeared.