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ried right home as soon as their dinner was over, and found [[underlined]] ours [[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] dinner, [[strikethrough]] almost just begun, so we ate a second dinner at home. In the after-noon we all called on them. My papa's picture of me, came after supper.

Fri. June 22nd.
I posed for my papa in the after-noon. We came near having a fine thunder-storm. Mr. Potts came. ^[[Very hot.]]

Sat. June 23rd.
Very hot. Miss Fallenstein came, when it was already dark. We had a not very hard thunder storm, which was at it's hardest a few minutes after Miss Fallenstein had come.

Sun. June 24th
I walked to the pine woods after dark,

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with my papa and Mr. Potts. My papa, Mr. Potts, and I, (I think those were all who went, although Dr. Mathewson may have too,) crossed the lake to take Mr Potts across for the night. There were a good many thunder clouds about, and it thundered and lightened a great deal while we were on the water, althoug not atall hard. By the the time my papa and I had got home it came [[underlined]]rather [[underlined]]near. I think Dr. Mathewson [[underlined]] did [[underlined]]cross the lake with us.

Mon. June 25th.
This leaf is lost from the calendar that I coppied this from, but I [[underlined]] think [[underlined]] that it was a sunny day, and that Miss Fallenstein and I walked to the post office in the morning, and

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