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raining quite hard. When we had been in the hotel a few minutes the thunder storm was at its hardest. Gladys was asleep when we got there, and my papa put her right to bed, and had his supper sent up to him, so that he could stay with her. We spent the night at the hotel, of-course.

Sun. July 1st.
Right after breakfast Arthur Carey went to see the house where we were to live: when he came back we all drove over to it. It was a very nice little house, the outside wasn't painted yet, and the inside wasn't quite done either, the carpenters were still at work. When we got to the door the two Miss Greens met us. I at once noticed ^[[a]] sound like a little kitten

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mewing: it was a little black kitten which Miss Margaret Greene was  carrying; she asked me whether I wanted it, and I thanked ^[[her]] very much, and said that I did. It was by this time almost time for dinner. There was beaf steak, and bread and butter ^[[and milk]] in the house and also cream. So my papa cooked the steak and made some cocoa. We ate our dinner upstairs in the big room where my papa and Gerald slept when we got settled, and where I slept the first night.

Mon. July 2nd
Mrs. Greene sent  two girls to unpack our things, and help us get settled. They got our meals for ^[[us]] that day. Nelly Sheun[?] came, after supper. My

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