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[[start page]] [[underline]] Fri. July 6th [[/underline]] Sunny and warm. My papa went to Keene early in the fore-noon; I think he must have [[underline]] walked [[/underline]] to Harrisville. Right after dinner Arthur Carey went. Mary was expected. [[underline]] Sat. July 7th [[/underline]] Gerald and I spent the morning at Miss Green's house, with her. [[underline]] Sun. July 8th [[/underline]] This leaf is lost from the calendar that this is coppied from. [[underline]] Mon. July 9th [[/underline]] Mrs. Pumpelly called on us. We went in the boat. Mary came at about eight o'clock in the evening. I made some [["Flimboe"]] soon after supper, which is a kind of stuf made with water and strawberry juice and sugar, [[end page]] [[start page]] corked up tight in a bottle and kept for about a week, before it is drunk. Gerald and I invented it. [[underline]] Tue. July 10th [[/underline]] My papa and I took a walk in the after-noon. Elise Pumpelly came to see me in the morning. She and I walked to the studio. [[underline]] Wed. July 11th [[/underline]] I went to drive with Miss Green, probably in after-noon, as Miss Greene [[underline]] almost [[/underline]] always painted in the morning. [[underline]] Thur. July 12th [[/underline]] I walked up Pine Hill soon after breakfast, with the Mays. Gerald and I had dinner at Mrs. Green's. We got a snake. [[underline]] Fri. July 13th [[/underline]] While we were at the Stearn's, in 1887, my [[end page]]