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call on Miss Kane. My papa didn't come home with us, as he was going to have supper with Dr. Whittridge.

[[underline]] Mon. September 3rd. [[underline]]
Three aunts, (among them Aunt Nelly,) and Uncle Thomas, came in the morning. Right after dinner Arthur Carey went. Dick and the three aunts and Uncle Thomas went a little later.

[[underline]] Tue. September 4th [[underline]] 
Gerald and I went to a tea party at the Osgoods.

[[underline]] Wed. September 5th. [[underline]]
I went to drive with Miss Greene, ^[[in the P.M.]] and got the other Farmer kitten, which was grey and white, and about the prettiest kitten I ever had. I named

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him Ajax, which I afterward changed to Aias, and then to Hermes.

[[underline]] Thur. September 6th.[[underline]]
Isabel had supper with us.

[[underline]] Fri. September 7th. [[underline]]
Isabel, Gerald, and I, walked to the Hills house early in the fore-noon. Gerald and I came home over Pine Hill. Sunny day, I think.

[[underline]] Sat. September 8th. [[underline]]
We got a letter from Arthur Carey. It rained. I walked to the studio at night, with my papa. He cast his face with lead in the after-noon while Ned Hill was there.

[[underline]] Sun. September 9th. [[underline]]
I posed for my papa in the morning. In the after-noon I shot with