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[[underline]] Aug. 1940- First calendar-[[/underline]] (cont.)
Smart = "These pictures should be in the engravers hands as soon as you finish each one - as they will be inserted in the "Esquire" Xmas issue. I know this is a whale of a lot to ask in such a short time- But 1st I intend to print 25000 copies in a separate calendar. Frankly I expect to be stuck with 10 or 15,000 if the public reaction to your girls isn't very gratifying in which case you'd have to take the longer road to success and plug and work harder than ever. - From what you've shown me so far - I know that you can deliver [[erased text]] t. You just give all you've got to this big effort [[erased text]] The public will decide about your ability - if you win their praise - you are a made man and all your worries are over" 
Jan. [[underline]] 1941- Calendar became national institution [[/underline]]. 

About [[underline]]March 1941[[/underline]] - at my studio in the evening 
Smart "I've just come from my office where I had a discussion with a man who just can't stand your success. He had the nerve to tell me that he is going to do [[underline]]the calendar for next year[[/underline]]!