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First limits of pressure_
*Smart. Blinder and myself just delivered last two 1946 Cal. pics.
Smart "As you've probably noticed, I'm changing make up of mag and will have to ask you for two single pages Varga Girls for each issue henceforth." Surprised argued him out by painting too many cream puffs would turn customers. "You fellows conspiring behind my back? Well, two against one, I'm overruled! But I still think is a good idea"
E. "Talk about retiring [[strikethrough]] with $100,000 or more [[\strikethrough]] after the end of contract and take life easy - you know we own large state in Mississippi that will be the ideal spot for you [[strikethrough]] to [[\strikethrough]] Who knows if you like it you can have it.
(the state was located - get this: in "Boca Raton") haha!

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Page 1[[circled]]
June 10-1940 - June 10.1943 - $325 mt. - Profits - 50-50
Option June 10-43 To June 10-46 $650"  "       60-40

  [[underlined]] June 10-1940 - Signed 1st contract in his office - D. Smart & myself alone
Smart. A girl pict to appear in every monthly issue of "Esquire". Said picture to be finished - 3 months in advance of date of publication. July = for Oct. Aug. for Nov. etc.
comment "If your work clicks with the public your opportunities for earning money will be limitless, specially from advertisers who will be clamoring for your work. Wouldn't surprise me if you'd make $50,000 the first year - but I can guarantee you at least $25,000 - depending on how you go over with the public. All I can give you is the opportunity and advice in bussiness matters -  but all depends entirely on your work. Your predecessor earned $250,000 00. when he left "Esquire" and there is no reason why you shouldn't match it or even surpass it. The work you did for Ziegfeld is exactly what I want for "Esq" - that is the classical Am Girl you glorified with pencil and brush