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August 45. Car stolen.___
     "Don't let this bad luck distract you from your work. I'll use personal influence to get you a new one in Detroit for your vacation. etc. etc..--
August 10(?)-V.J. Day-Gasoline ban off-
  "    15(?) Ask for contract from my wife as we wanted to find out; why wasn't given to us when promised as we wished to know [[nov?]]
   1st=Just how much are we going to benefit financially
    2.=How much are we going to save-yearly
    3.=How much cash could be count on progressivly yearly in order to buy home.___
    after interpretation I gave to the bonus of 1500- went immediately to see Smart to show how please we were with contract.----
End of August-Car found
    Nearing end of 1947 Cal. plus two extra for Jan & Feb. and-Smart ask for this extra effort for fear something might happen if we shouldn't get back from vacation in time__deadline
September. Completed 14 drawings-1947.
Oct.  Left on vacation.
Nov. 1st. Return from same. Immediate pressure for one a week.