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again - and here he is going thru it all over again only worse. For this time the Girl - whose face and figure he's carried in his mind and dreams since that day in the Louvre - in Paris - is about to appear in the flesh and blood - right here in this studio. Nervously he surveys his field of action. The easel the model stand, his canvass - the brushes - all clean and ready the palette. - everything in the appointed place and the light just right - then ^[[The]] buzzer ^[[breaking the silence]]- somewhat eases the tension and strangely enough he feels relaxed - as a swimmer relaxes - who's been suddenly heaved into a pool of oil - after battling the roaring waves in a stormy sea ----- A quick glance at his tie and working coat and smilingly opens the door: She says: "I had a hard time - getting up here - those rehearsals - you know. Phew - climbing these stairs - I am all out of breath...... 
- Please do come in and sit down- here, this sofa is just the thing for you to catch your breath while I get fetch you a cup of tea. If you care?
"No, Thanks [[overwritten on That'll be nice]] ^[[you just the same]] - [[strikethrough]]thanks[[/strikethrough]] Alberto gingerly helps her with her mink coat- which he hangs on a closet rack- while the red-head Venus- reclines amid the cushions covered couch, her gorgeous figure fairly bursting out of the tight fitting rehearsal costume: a white, long sleeved silk blouse, a dark 

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green scarf [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] tied artist fashion around the collar, a knee length - pleated - black skirt - from which [[strikethrough]] emerge [[/strikethrough]] the long nervous - perfectly contoured legs - fetchingly ^[[emerge]] encased in black silk stockings. and on her high arched well proportioned feet - tight fitting black satin pumps - complete the picture that met his [[strikethrough]] artist's [[/strikethrough]]startled eyes as he again approached ^[[the sofa]] and standing before her: "I am really very sorry that the landlord forgot to include an elevator to lead up to this - aviary! We artists are funny birds - we must have height and we must have - light.- but we never have the money - to enjoy the luxury of a penthouse - in Central Park - or Park Avenue - so we nest in the cold and hard to get at, attics of Greenwich Village the ones we can afford "sometimes, somehow"! 
"I really dont mind it a bit - the exercise is good for my figure."-
"If you don't mind my saying so - your figure needs no improvement, Miss Clift."
"You really think so? or you're just flattering me." 
"I have seen what these other girls have and I must confess - to me- you have it all over them"....... 
"Is that why - I am - the last to be called? Is it? 
To be frank - yes - [[strikethrough]] Miss Clift [[/strikethrough]].