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Bastro, was shortly afterwards killed on making an effort to land.  The survivor returning to Cuba.

[[underlined]]  1552. A Spanish plate fleet from Vera Cruz, bound for Spain, was wrecked on the Gulf coast of Florida.  Out of a thousand persons only three hundred reached the shore, and all perished save one, who finally succeeded in escaping to Mexico.

[[underlined]]  1559.  An emigration took place to Pensacola Bay from Vera Cruz, but the attempt at settlement was unsuccessful, and the last Spaniard returned to Mexico in 1561.

[[underlined]]  1565. Pedro de Menendez took final possession of Florida, in the name of the king of Spain, by the occupation of St. Augustine.

[[underlined]]  1562-8. The attempt at colonization on the St. Johns River, by the French Huguenots, and the bloody struggles between them and the sanguinary bigot Menendez, began and closed.