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1654. Belt and leg band from the Fiji Islands

1655 [[underlined]] "Vis". [[/underlined]] Leg band; an ornament made of roots and worn by the Fiji Islanders.

1656. Necklace made of roots. worn by Fiji's

1657. Belt made of cord. Fiji Islands.

1658. Seeds worn as Beads by the Fiji Isl[[ande]]rs

1659. to 1661. Ornaments worn in the slit lobes of their ears by the Fiji Islanders.
1662. to 1666 Amulets made of roots and worn by the Fiji Islanders.

1667 to 1713 Amulets made of shells, and worn by the Fiji Islanders

1714. to 1725. Flutes made of bambu, played by blowing [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] throgh the nostrils by the Fijians.

1726 to 1729 Instruments of music,(similar to Pans-pipes) used by the natives of the Fiji Islands.

1730 [[underlined]] "Lali". [[/underlined]] Fiji Drum. The hollowed trunk of a tree; - it is sounded by beating with a club, on the inside 

1731. Cord made from the bark of a hybiscus by the Fiji's.
1732 to 1738 Sinnet, or braided cord, made from the husk of the cocoa-nut principally used in building, by the Fiji Islanders