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below and a distributer of fibre above. It occurs to me that in order to utilize shorter fibre, we might stretch cheesecloth either free or over the cathode plate and thus produce an initial support for the asbestos fibre. Wetting and pressing the surface favors felting. I shall try wetting with gummy solutions or [[strikethrough]] perhaps [[/strikethrough]] silicate of soda.  We might also apply the iron paint we are using now at Niagara Falls so as to bind everything together. It occurs to me that in order to counteract the difference in hydrostatic pressure at the diaphragm in the cells we might make the lower part of the diaphragm thicker than the upper part. 
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I have given instructions to Mr. Rowland and Marsh to carry out some further experiments on the subject. Afterwards I intend to apply for a patent.
In the afternoon went to the office of D. & F. Co. [[left margin note - points to this and says Development & Funding Co. later called Hooker Electrochemical Co.]] [[margin note - 1/2 X (meaning charge for half day's work)]] and wrote some letters. 
April. 4. Wrote to [[Wridgway (?)]] and to the President of his Co in relation to the motor repairs. Asked him what he would do if he sent his watch to a watchmaker and the latter put various apprentices on it, then after keeping it four times longer than he promised, returned the watch with missing chain, the watch working worse than before and 
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