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at Berry Bros. Detroit. The product was better than what we have
made thus far in our laboratory but great objection against smell
April 8 Received letter from Alfred Hooper, confirming report and
objecting against smell. I recommend adding alone or mixed
Nitrobenzol, Sassafras oil, Wintergreen oil or Cedar oil to the varnish so as to mask the smell.
Thurlow made an asbestos sample by drying the material in a vacuum I believe this will solve the problem.
April 9. Strong Blizzard raging all day N.E. winds snow several inches thick. I wrote a letter to the "Globe" answering [[strikethrough]]a letter[[strikethrough]] a 
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pessimistic utterance of Mr. Schiff, the banker, who does not know what is going to become of all our immigrants. I doubt whether they will publish my letter. 
April 10. Received a letter from President of Peerless company which misinterprets my motive in asking him to try to help me obtaining equitable settlement with Wridgeway. Assured him that he has not to deal with a Knave but with a man. 
Spent afternoon at Mr. Williams who showed me a very interesting apparatus for locating metallic particles in water and which he intends utilizing for placer mining or dredge mining. 
More snow today 
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