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in such a clumsy inefficient way so as to surely fall off after awhile- another piece of carelessness of the "Peerless" Co.
[[margin: Ap]] Spent the day rewriting: Immigration and over population
April 17. Corrected "Overspecialization" and sent it to Prof. Cattell (Editor Science)
[[margin: 1/2 X] Spent 1/2 day at D.F.Co
April 18. [[strikethrough]]Met Z[strikethrough]] Answered another unconciliatory letter of Peerless Co
In the afternoon had a pleasant visit from Mr. Alfred Williams. I mentioned to him my intention to use X rays and ultra violet rays
on some organic compounds of the terpene group so as to try to
change them into their isomeres. Had the enjoyment of reading
"Respectability" by Elbert Hubbard
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an unusually clever essay on the errors and inconsistencies of our ways of living.
April 19. Went to New York. Saw Parker, Zabriskie and Boch about misunderstanding in the Club. We all argreed that nobody knew Zabriskie was vice president of the bank from where we wanted to withdraw our funds. I hope this settles this little incident
April 20. Took motor car out. Engine runs well; but transmission got caught, new bushing required. Found more evidence of careless
slip-shod work done at Peerless shop. Many nuts loose. Articulation not oiled nor greased an in crank case of motor loose screws were discovered.
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