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July 7. Sunday [[underline]]Another day[[/underline]] in overalls. I conclude that trouble is due to many causes.
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Malfunction of diaphragm portion of the edges not being in contact with the cathode from which they are separated by interposed rubber shields. This allows asbestos to be impregnated with acid liquor instead of alkaline liquor. result: corrosion. Have found convincing proof to that effect.
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Once corroded, Cl and anode liquor escaped through the iron of side plates and continue corrosion.
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Some of the cells are in an awful condition. The steel plates being pierced through and through. 
I also notice that not enough care is taken in keeping level of kerosene high enough in cathode compartment with the result of superabundant percolation above the kerosene level. 
Am trying impregnating borders of diaphragms with [[underline]] Novalak [[underline]] so as to avoid capillary effect . Parker is working hard with several men so as to finish machine for blowing diaphragms directly on perforated anode plates as on felt: in accordance 
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